What is Rinus Football?
Rinus is an online tool for all level of coaches. It contains training plans, training sessions and exercises for every age group, based on the principals of Dutch football. It’s very user friendly and available on every device.

All the exercises in Rinus are based on the Dutch football vision and contain the following elements:
- An image of the exercise telling you where to place the materials and where the players should line up
- The objective of the exercise
- Rules of the exercise
- Needed materials for the exercise
- Video animation explaining the exercise
- How to make the exercise more difficult or easier
- Attention points for the coach (in objective and skill)

Training Sessions
Every training session in Rinus contains a objective (for example: improving the build-up) and a skill (for example: passing) to develop. The objective and skill are always in line with each other.
The build-up of every training session in Rinus is the same:
- Characteristics of the training session (for which age, the amount of players, the space and the duration)
- Objective: what are we going to improve with this training session?
- Materials: which materials are needed to do the whole training session?
- The exercises of the training session. You can see the necessary information in an overview. With one click you can see the detailled information.

Training Plans
A training plan is a multiple week programme, adjustable to your team. The training plans are based on a proven periodization ranging anywhere from 1 to 4 weeks. With the smart algorithms you can easily plan your whole season. The head of the academy can share season plans with the coaches.
You can choose two types of training plans:
- A filled training plan will fill all the training sessions in your training plan in a logical order based on the periodization
- A blank training plan will only show you the objectives from the periodization. You can pick your own training sessions by just letting the tool know how many players you have
The calendar function will make it possible to easily manage your training sessions. You can simply copy and replace them. After every training session, you can evaluate the training sessions.

Tips & Info
Besides all the training plans, training sessions and exercises, Rinus also has a library with tips and information. This library contains articles and (interactive) videos. It’s based on a few topics:
- News
- Help and support
- Substantive content
- About Rinus
It’s also possible to add your own articles and videos to this section. The tips & info section is visible on the homepage making it a great way to communicate with all your coaches.

Create and edit exercises and training sessions
In Rinus it’s possible to create your own exercises, training sessions and multiple week programs. With our very user friendly and revolutionary drawing tool you can easily create your own exercise or edit an existing one. Simply drag and drop players and materials, but also choose the type and size of the field.
When the image is created you can define all the details of the exercise like, the rules, objective, football action and methodical steps. Rinus can also generate these details to save you some time.
When you’ve found or created the right exercises, you’re ready to create your own training session. With just a few clicks you’re ready to go!

Online seminar
How can an online platform helps to create impact in (grassroots) football?
KNVB's technical director Art Langeler and Rinus-expert Joeri Houniet are telling you more about it in our first online seminar.